Saturday, November 1, 2008

SPM 2008 Batch Dinner

Last nite form 5 students (batch '04-'08) were having their annual dinner at Executive Hotel. A few teachers including me pegi jugala..dah kena jemput datang ja la kn.. Lagipun bila lagi dapat mkn hotel hahaa...wlpun x free..huhu.. :( The bad part is i think the food is not berbaloi with the amount of money that we have paid.. Not sure if everybody especially the students really2 kenyang malam tu coz at the moment me and my fren ambik makanan, ramai lg students yang belum ambik makanan..harap2 semua kenyangla.. Overall, although its just a simple 'party', its a nice party.. i enjoy seeing the students having fun together and i hope everybody who came were felt the same thing too.. And for the students, all the best in SPM which just around the your very best.. keep in your effort to achieve your goal..adios.. ;D